NOTE: GD/GS (Google Drive), FEM (FEMbed), OL (OpenLoad), VS (VeryStream), MD (MixDrop). 1, 2, 3 etc. is backup LINK if video takendown.
NOTE: GD/GS (Google Drive), FEM (FEMbed), OL (OpenLoad), VS (VeryStream), MD (MixDrop). 1, 2, 3 etc. is backup LINK if video takendown.
RUNTIME: 140 mins
CAST: Ootsuki Hibiki
TITLE: [GRCH-314] A Little Devil Handsome Man Pet Who Is Good At Begging - At First I Thought He Was A Soothing And Good Little Doggie, But At Night, He Transforms Into A Carnivorous And Lusty Wolf - Hibiki Otsuki